Religious Education
Religious Education (RE) is a statutory subject, and all pupils, in all schools and at all key stages should receive a high quality education in RE.
RE plays a central role in a broad and balanced curriculum that will enable students to participate fully in a multi-religious and multi-secular world. It aims to enable young people to hold informed and balanced conversations about worldviews, religion and beliefs. It provides a safe environment where pupils can explore their own ideas and learn to evaluate the opinions of others. Whilst a greater emphasis is placed upon the Christian faith in RE in church schools, it is important that young people experience the diversity of lived religion.
Derby DBE Guidance
Click button to read DBE guidance on religious education in schools.
Network Meetings
Our subject leader community meets every term to focus on RE in the church school. These sessions provide the opportunity to hear about and share best practice. To find out more and to enrol, contact the Education Team at
Spring Term Meetings 2023 are taking place from 4pm in various schools around the county. Please contact us for more details.
RE Subject Leader's Folder
This link will take you to documents (downloaded as a .zip file) which you might find helpful in compiling a subject leader’s folder. These are only exemplars or pro-formas and are offered as a way of support.
RE Syllabus
The Agreed Syllabus for Derbyshire and Derby City 2020-2025 schools is to be used in all Voluntary Controlled (VC) schools.
In Voluntary Aided (VA) schools it is the responsibility of the governing body to decide on the syllabus for RE. However, the Board of Education recommends that VA schools also follow the Agreed Syllabus.
RE Today have kindly shared the additional resource Building Progression through your RE Agreed Syllabus to support good planning.
It is also the expectation that church schools will adhere to the Church of England Statement of Entitlement for Religious Education.
Balanced RE
Click on the button below to watch an animation which explains a balanced approach to curriculum design in RE. This approach to RE curriculum design has been developed by four Diocesan RE advisers for use in all schools and academies. This work has been developed in collaboration with teachers and subject experts over the last four years and has recently received support from the Church of England Education Office to facilitate its further development.
Website links
You may find the links below useful. Derby DBE does not have any responsibility for the content of these sites.
- The Open Centre Derby
- St Philip’s Centre Leicester
- RE Quality Mark Award
- Farmington Scholarships
- RE Today: Providers of publications for all ages
- NATRE: National Association of Teachers of RE
- RE Quest: Comprehensive resource for Christianity with clips, animations and background information
- RE Online: Covering all faiths and some non-religious world views, there are links to many resources and current thinking about RE
- BBC My Life, My Religion: Features young people talking about their faiths
- Heart of Hinduism: Aspects of Hindu belief and practice
- Sikhiwiki: Encyclomedia of the Sikhs
- Judiasm 101: Lots of information about Judaism
- Jewish Museum London: Information about the museum, school visits and courses for teachers
- Islamkids: Resources to teach Muslim children about Islam
- Buddhanet: Range of information about Buddhism and some downloadable resources
- Books at Press: Resources for EYFS
- TrueTube: Films, animations and interactive activities covering a range of religions and suitable for EYFS through to Y13
- Understanding Humanism: Resources for teaching one of the non-religious worldviews
- Exploring Secularism: Resource to help teachers and pupils understand secularism